Michael Noser

Great intensity and mushrooming thought processes—Michael Noser’s multimedia work is propelled by an examination of processes of perception and representation. He explores the complexity of making and transposing pictures, perceiving the world, self-portrayal, and the power of the imagination in extensive painted and drawn chronicles, but also in multilayered video works, sculptural figures, and long-term actions. Ongoing studies of art history accompany his work, whose formal qualities are linked to notable positions from Henri Matisse to Martin Kippenberger. 

Since obtaining a master of fine arts at the Hochschule Luzern, Noser has been awarded several grants and studio stipends. His works have been presented in numerous solo and group exhibitions, for instance, at the Kunstmuseum and Kunsthalle Luzern—as well as in the extensive artist monograph Heart Still Beating. Michael Noser’s work is represented in several private and public collections, such as the art collections of the Cantons of Zurich und Lucerne. 

*1985 in Winterthur, Switzerland. Lives und works in Canton of Zurich, Switzerland.

— CV
— Exhibition «Sleeves too long, pants too short»

Exhibition view "Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruktion" ["Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruction"] at Kunstétage Visarte Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010. Photo: Ralph Kühne.
Exhibition view "Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruktion" ["Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruction"] at Kunstétage Visarte Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010. Photo: Ralph Kühne.
Exhibition view "Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruktion" ["Michael Noser: Phantasma II - Instruction"] at Kunstétage Visarte Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010. Photo: Ralph Kühne.
Exhibition view "Michael Noser - Zu lange Ärmel, zu kurze Hosen" ["Michael Noser - Sleeves too long, pants too short"] at Galerie König Büro, Zurich, Switzerland, 2023. Photo: Jonas Burkhalter.
Jauchzend (Tusche auf monochrome Fläche)
Noser Michael 2023

Jauchzend (Tusche auf monochrome Fläche)

Catalogue details
Noser Michael 2023


Catalogue details
Jauchzend (hastig)
Noser Michael 2023

Jauchzend (hastig)

Catalogue details
Lachende Figuren
Noser Michael 2021

Lachende Figuren

Catalogue details
Traktor I
Noser Michael 2021

Traktor I

Catalogue details
Pflanzende Bäuerin
Noser Michael 2022

Pflanzende Bäuerin

Catalogue details
Muttersau, Rosalie ihre Ferkel säugend (schwarze und weisse Schraffuren II)
Noser Michael 2023

Muttersau, Rosalie ihre Ferkel säugend (schwarze und weisse Schraffuren II)

Catalogue details
Gartenbeete (Slow Grow)
Noser Michael 2022

Gartenbeete (Slow Grow)

Catalogue details
Gehender (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)
Noser Michael 2023

Gehender (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)

Catalogue details
Abstraktion II (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)
Noser Michael 2022

Abstraktion II (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)

Catalogue details
Gehender - krakeliger Umriss (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)
Noser Michael 2022

Gehender - krakeliger Umriss (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)

Catalogue details
Abstraktion V (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)
Noser Michael 2022

Abstraktion V (aus der Werkreihe der Gehenden)

Catalogue details